Language: Chinese

Purchasing Furniture from China Factories Precautions

For most importers, asking the question "Are you the factory or trading company" is a must question. Knowing that, most Chinese factories always response "yes, we are the factory". There are some truth about this we need to reveal.

I am the Factory Fact:  Big portion of factories on Alibaba or elsewhere you are buying from, they just claim they are the factory and produce all furniture themselves. The truth is that they outsource most of the products from other furniture factories.Do not get fooled. The factory inspection certificates on their websites are sometimes fake too.Even a family owned factories can get it with exaggerated  pictures makes it look like a really big and advanced one.

Most experienced importers already know most of the above notes. That's why they come to visit factories, coming to exhibitions. Showing them certificates. Sometimes they might show you the factories they do not owe; But most of time it is real. So you place the order . They just buy from other factories instead of producing by themselves. It perfectly depicts how free market rules work. The price and quality are the core.

Is it cheaper and safer to buy from Alibaba? That's hard to say, it can protect from frauds who just want to cheat you money without delivery. It helps if you are an inexperienced importer buying from China. With all the costs on Alibaba such as  commission fee,annual fee and high advertising cost, theoretically it drives the price up by buying from them. So if you are an experienced buyer purchasing in big quantity, you can reconsider us too.