If you are a furniture restore owner,wholesaler or import company,you will get order pushes from our website once somebody sends us inquiry.All official orders will be pushed to your side too.
Retail stores are more likely to get orders from individual small orders like less than 5 unit furniture.Local retail stores will get orders from local retail stores.
A lot retailers and even end users want to buy directly from factory, however they do not know the process of import. You play a main role connecting them together. If you join us early, you have the benefits of getting all local orders and becoming sole import agent for them.Some orders might be small, but small orders add up to containers!We have so many online orders that need your services!
Mob: 86-0316-2273491
Email: info@far-fly.com
Sales: sales@far-fly.com
Recruit: recruit@far-fly.com
Purchase: purchase@far-fly.com
Add: R105 1st floor B16 ever grande An Ci district, Lang fang city Hebie province, China